#include #include #include #include "channelflow/flowfield.h" #include "channelflow/dns.h" #include "channelflow/utilfuncs.h" #include "channelflow/vector.h" #include "channelflow/turbstats.h" using namespace std; using namespace channelflow; int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { string purpose("take input Flowfield and write a file with energy density\n" "as a function of y, averaged over x and z"); ArgList args(argc, argv, purpose); const string uname = args.getstr(2, "", "flowfield input file"); const string afile = args.getstr(1, "", "ascii output file"); args.check(); FlowField u(uname); u.makeState(Physical, Physical); const int Nx = u.Nx(); const int Ny = u.Ny(); const int Nz = u.Nz(); const int Nd = u.Nd(); int p = 16; Vector e(Ny); int count = 0; for (int ny=0; ny