function [U,G] = surfer(root,n) % SURFER Create the adjacency graph of a portion of the Web. % [U,G] = surfer(root,n) starts at the URL root and follows % Web links until it forms an adjacency graph with n nodes. % U = a cell array of n strings, the URLs of the nodes. % G = an n-by-n sparse matrix with G(i,j)=1 if node j is linked to node i. % % Example: [U,G] = surfer('',500); % See also PAGERANK. % % This function currently has two defects. (1) The algorithm for % finding links is naive. We just look for the string 'http:'. % (2) An attempt to read from a URL that is accessible, but very slow, % might take an unacceptably long time to complete. In some cases, % it may be necessary to have the operating system terminate MATLAB. % Key words from such URLs can be added to the skip list in surfer.m. % Copyright 2014 Cleve Moler % Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc. % Initialize clf shg axis([0 n 0 n]) axis square axis ij box on set(gca,'position',[.12 .20 .78 .78]) uicontrol('style','frame','units','normal','position',[.01 .09 .98 .07]); uicontrol('style','frame','units','normal','position',[.01 .01 .98 .07]); t1 = uicontrol('style','text','units','normal','position',[.02 .10 .94 .04], ... 'horiz','left'); t2 = uicontrol('style','text','units','normal','position',[.02 .02 .94 .04], ... 'horiz','left'); slow = uicontrol('style','toggle','units','normal', ... 'position',[.01 .24 .07 .05],'string','slow','value',0); quit = uicontrol('style','toggle','units','normal', ... 'position',[.01 .17 .07 .05],'string','quit','value',0); U = cell(n,1); hash = zeros(n,1); G = logical(sparse(n,n)); m = 1; U{m} = root; hash(m) = hashfun(root); j = 1; while j < n & get(quit,'value') == 0 % Try to open a page. try set(t1,'string',sprintf('%5d %s',j,U{j})) set(t2,'string',''); drawnow page = webread(U{j}); catch set(t1,'string',sprintf('fail: %5d %s',j,U{j})) drawnow j = j+1; continue end if get(slow,'value') pause(.25) end % Follow the links from the open page. for f = findstr('http:',page); % A link starts with 'http:' and ends with the next quote. e = min([findstr('"',page(f:end)) findstr('''',page(f:end))]); if isempty(e), continue, end url = deblank(page(f:f+e-2)); url(url<' ') = '!'; % Nonprintable characters if url(end) == '/', url(end) = []; end % Look for links that should be skipped. skips = {'.gif','.jpg','.jpeg','.pdf','.css','.asp','.mwc','.ram', ... '.cgi','lmscadsi','cybernet','','google','yahoo', ... 'scripts','netscape','shockwave','webex','fansonly'}; skip = any(url=='!') | any(url=='?'); k = 0; while ~skip & (k < length(skips)) k = k+1; skip = ~isempty(findstr(url,skips{k})); end if skip if isempty(findstr(url,'.gif')) & isempty(findstr(url,'.jpg')) set(t2,'string',sprintf('skip: %s',url)) drawnow if get(slow,'value') pause(.25) end end continue end % Check if page is already in url list. i = 0; for k = find(hash(1:m) == hashfun(url))'; if isequal(U{k},url) i = k; break end end % Add a new url to the graph there if are fewer than n. if (i == 0) & (m < n) m = m+1; U{m} = url; hash(m) = hashfun(url); i = m; end % Add a new link. if i > 0 G(i,j) = 1; set(t2,'string',sprintf('%5d %s',i,url)) line(j,i,'marker','.','markersize',6) drawnow if get(slow,'value') pause(.25) end end end j = j+1; end delete(t1) delete(t2) delete(slow) set(quit,'string','close','callback','close(gcf)','value',0) %------------------------ function h = hashfun(url) % Almost unique numeric hash code for pages already visited. h = length(url) + 1024*sum(url);