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gtspring2009:research_projects:siminos:blog [2009/02/21 19:09]
siminos Added Rowley references
gtspring2009:research_projects:siminos:blog [2010/02/02 07:55] (current)
Line 38: Line 38:
 :-) After discussing with John we concluded it could as well be an artifact of matlab rescaling the vectors'​ magnitudes in the movies. The state comes very close to laminar as one can see by looking at the L2 norm.  --- //​[[|Evangelos Siminos]] 2009-02-16 13:34// :-) After discussing with John we concluded it could as well be an artifact of matlab rescaling the vectors'​ magnitudes in the movies. The state comes very close to laminar as one can see by looking at the L2 norm.  --- //​[[|Evangelos Siminos]] 2009-02-16 13:34//
-{{:siminos.png?14}} Two continuous symmetry reduction papers ​of interest: + 
-Rowley and Marsden ​2000{{:​gtspring2009:​research_projects:​siminos:​rowley_and_marsden_-_2000_-_reconstruction_equations_and_the_karhunen-loeve_ex.pdf|}} +{{:gtspring2009:​pc.png|}} moved the two continuous symmetry reduction papers ​by Rowley and Marsden ​to [[​dokuwiki/​doku.php/​chaosbook:continuous| blog, chapter ​"Continuous symmetries"]]  --- //​[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-02-22 16:17//
-Rowley et.al2003{{:​gtspring2009:​research_projects:​siminos:​no3404.pdf|}}The procedure looks like a trick Arnol'​d suggests in "Ordinary differential equations" ​book. +
-It works "​locally"​ but how are the pieces glued together?+
gtspring2009/research_projects/siminos/blog.1235272155.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009/02/21 19:09 by siminos