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gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:finaltopics [2018/05/03 11:11]
gibson [Matlab topics]
gibson:teaching:spring-2018:math445:finaltopics [2018/05/03 11:12] (current)
Line 44: Line 44:
    * creating 2d grids of coordinates with meshgrid    * creating 2d grids of coordinates with meshgrid
    * evaluating functions on 2d grid with dot syntax    * evaluating functions on 2d grid with dot syntax
-   * Matlab functions ''​plot3 contour, contourf, surf, quiver''​+   * Matlab functions ''​contour,​ contourf, surf, quiver''​ and ''​plot3''​
 ====Labs==== ====Labs====
gibson/teaching/spring-2018/math445/finaltopics.1525371110.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2018/05/03 11:11 by gibson