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gibson:teaching:fall-2016:math753:notebook-workflow [2016/09/02 06:21]
gibson [Summary of notebook keyboard shortcuts]
gibson:teaching:fall-2016:math753:notebook-workflow [2016/09/02 06:24] (current)
gibson [Summary of notebook keyboard shortcuts]
Line 55: Line 55:
 ^ Shortcut ^ Action ^ ^ Shortcut ^ Action ^
 | Shift-Enter | run cell | | Shift-Enter | run cell |
-| Ctrl-Enter | run cell in-place | +| Ctrl-Enter | run cell in-place | 
-| Alt-Enter | run cell, insert below |+| Alt-Enter | run cell, insert below |
 | Ctrl-m x | cut cell | | Ctrl-m x | cut cell |
 | Ctrl-m c | copy cell | | Ctrl-m c | copy cell |
Line 81: Line 81:
 | Ctrl-m h | show keyboard shortcuts | | Ctrl-m h | show keyboard shortcuts |
 +For more about controlling your Julia notebook, see the [[https://​​ipython-doc/​1/​interactive/​notebook.html | iPython notebook documentation]],​ from where this summary of shortcuts was copied.
gibson/teaching/fall-2016/math753/notebook-workflow.1472822475.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/09/02 06:21 by gibson