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gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture7-diary [2014/10/07 11:43]
gibson [A few more bells and whistles]
gibson:teaching:fall-2014:math445:lecture7-diary [2014/10/07 11:44] (current)
gibson [A function with an if statement and fprintf]
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-The warning message is printed using the //formatted print function// ''​fprintf''​. ''​fprintf''​ takes a variable number of arguments. The first argument is always the ''​format string''​. The format string is simply a message to be printed with a number of slots into which values of variables will be substituted. The slots are marked with percent signs ''​%'',​ and following the percents signs is a letter code that tells Matlab what type of variable to expect for the slot. Here ''​%d''​ tells Matlab to expect a decimal-valued variable (i.e. a floating-point number). ​+The warning message is printed using the //formatted print function// ''​fprintf''​. ''​fprintf''​ takes a variable number of arguments. The first argument is always the ''​format string''​. The format string is simply a message to be printed with a number of slots into which values of variables will be substituted. The slots are marked with percent signs ''​%'',​ and following the percents signs is a letter code that tells Matlab what type of variable to expect for the slot. Here ''​%d''​ tells Matlab to expect a decimal-valued variable (i.e. a floating-point number). After the format string, the remaining arguments to ''​fprintf''​ are the variables whose values you want substituted into those slots
gibson/teaching/fall-2014/math445/lecture7-diary.1412707438.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/10/07 11:43 by gibson