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chaosbook:howto:proofreading [2009/04/21 11:14]
chaosbook:howto:proofreading [2010/02/02 07:55] (current)
Line 66: Line 66:
     * order references by the order they are cited in the chapter. Rename the reference if reused in another chapter.     * order references by the order they are cited in the chapter. Rename the reference if reused in another chapter.
   * [[http://​​STYLE/​style_jabbr.html|journal names are abbreviated]]   * [[http://​​STYLE/​style_jabbr.html|journal names are abbreviated]]
 +  * [[http://​​spires/​hep/​refs/​|spires]] (elem. particle physics) guide
 ==== bibTeX conventions ==== ==== bibTeX conventions ====
   * 8-) In order to fix my issue with journal abbreviations I used a function in my reference management software (JabRef) that lets you toggle between abbreviated and full journal names based on a text file of entries. There is a default list of scientific that you can download from their website which I have complemented with some extra fluids journals ({{gtspring2009:​journals.txt|journals.txt}}).   * 8-) In order to fix my issue with journal abbreviations I used a function in my reference management software (JabRef) that lets you toggle between abbreviated and full journal names based on a text file of entries. There is a default list of scientific that you can download from their website which I have complemented with some extra fluids journals ({{gtspring2009:​journals.txt|journals.txt}}).
-  * As far as "​master CNS bibfile"​ I meant halcrow.bib... I have been following the P's "​bibTex rules"​. That is why I was wondering if there was some efficient way to check for overlap. Not so much with having the same paper twice (which really wouldn'​t change things if you just wrote over the old one) but having two papers with the same bibtex name. I wanted to know if it was possible to check for this automatically. I'll take a look at bibjoin and see what it does... ​+  * As far as "​master CNS bibfile"​ I meant halcrow.bib... I have been following the P's "​bibTex rules"​. That is why I was wondering if there was some efficient way to check for overlap. Not so much with having the same paper twice (which really wouldn'​t change things if you just wrote over the old one) but having two papers with the same bibtex name. I wanted to know if it was possible to check for this automatically. I'll take a look at bibjoin and see what it does... ​//​[[|D. Borrero]] 2009-04-21//​
chaosbook/howto/proofreading.1240337653.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/04/21 11:14 by dborrero