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chaosbook:howto:proofreading [2009/04/20 06:37]
predrag moved the spirited bibtex discussion to here
chaosbook:howto:proofreading [2010/02/02 07:55] (current)
Line 66: Line 66:
     * order references by the order they are cited in the chapter. Rename the reference if reused in another chapter.     * order references by the order they are cited in the chapter. Rename the reference if reused in another chapter.
   * [[http://​​STYLE/​style_jabbr.html|journal names are abbreviated]]   * [[http://​​STYLE/​style_jabbr.html|journal names are abbreviated]]
 +  * [[http://​​spires/​hep/​refs/​|spires]] (elem. particle physics) guide
 ==== bibTeX conventions ==== ==== bibTeX conventions ====
 +  * 8-) In order to fix my issue with journal abbreviations I used a function in my reference management software (JabRef) that lets you toggle between abbreviated and full journal names based on a text file of entries. There is a default list of scientific that you can download from their website which I have complemented with some extra fluids journals ({{gtspring2009:​journals.txt|journals.txt}}).
 +  * As far as "​master CNS bibfile"​ I meant halcrow.bib... I have been following the P's "​bibTex rules"​. That is why I was wondering if there was some efficient way to check for overlap. Not so much with having the same paper twice (which really wouldn'​t change things if you just wrote over the old one) but having two papers with the same bibtex name. I wanted to know if it was possible to check for this automatically. I'll take a look at bibjoin and see what it does... //​[[|D. Borrero]] 2009-04-21//​
 +  * {{gtspring2009:​pc.jpg}} svn repository gibson/​bibtex/​05bibTools.txt has the exhaustive list of bibTeX tools known to us. Someone (in a fit of good citizenship) might want to copy that list to here, where everyman can access it.
 +  * There is no '​master CNS bib file' If we create one, I suggest using the one from svn repository halcrow/​bibtex/​halcrow.bib,​ which is the most up-to-date one.  ​
 +  * rule #1 - have only one bibtex file for all of your papers and the thesis
 +  * rule #2 - never change the bibtex name of a reference - this tends to create errors in other articles, and is a royal pain to track down. If you are merging several bib files, it's cheaper to have the same reference entered several times under different names than trying to harmonize several papers using the same *.bib --- //​[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-04-20//​
 {{gtspring2009:​siminos.png?​24}} How did you fix the abbreviations problem? You can find many useful bibtex (and other) scripts here: [[http://​​pub/​|​pub]]. bibjoin might do the trick for you. {{gtspring2009:​siminos.png?​24}} How did you fix the abbreviations problem? You can find many useful bibtex (and other) scripts here: [[http://​​pub/​|​pub]]. bibjoin might do the trick for you.
 :-? Ok! Fixed the journal abbreviations problem... Still trying to figure out how to merge bib files without messing up everybody'​s references in the case of overlap. :-? Ok! Fixed the journal abbreviations problem... Still trying to figure out how to merge bib files without messing up everybody'​s references in the case of overlap.
 +  * {{gtspring2009:​pc.jpg}} If you found sources other than the ones above (on this wiki already), please add them.  --- //​[[|Predrag Cvitanovic]] 2009-04-20//​
 :?: Does anybody have the *.bst format or macros to convert a generic .bib file to Phys. Rev. E's preferred format (i.e., appropriate journal abbreviations,​ more than two authors going to first author, et al., etc)? I have also been putting off merging my bib file with the master CNS bib file because I don't know how to check for any overlap and I don't want to mess up somebody'​s stuff. Does anybody know how to do this efficiently?​ Any help in these matters would be greatly appreciated. -- //​[[|Daniel Borrero]] 2009-04-16 14:28 EST// :?: Does anybody have the *.bst format or macros to convert a generic .bib file to Phys. Rev. E's preferred format (i.e., appropriate journal abbreviations,​ more than two authors going to first author, et al., etc)? I have also been putting off merging my bib file with the master CNS bib file because I don't know how to check for any overlap and I don't want to mess up somebody'​s stuff. Does anybody know how to do this efficiently?​ Any help in these matters would be greatly appreciated. -- //​[[|Daniel Borrero]] 2009-04-16 14:28 EST//
chaosbook/howto/proofreading.1240234679.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2009/04/20 06:37 by predrag