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chaosbook:diffusion [2011/08/03 12:30]
predrag [Rainer Klages] added the most recent paper
chaosbook:diffusion [2012/02/15 09:31] (current)
predrag added a diffusion paper by Morriss.
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 **Predrag 2011-08-03** Remember to also read  [[http://​​abs/​1107.5293|Capturing correlations in chaotic diffusion by approximation methods]] by Georgie Knight and Rainer Klages. **Predrag 2011-08-03** Remember to also read  [[http://​​abs/​1107.5293|Capturing correlations in chaotic diffusion by approximation methods]] by Georgie Knight and Rainer Klages.
-~~DISCUSSION~~+14 Feb 2012 01:14:40 GMT   ​(124kb,​D)
 +**Predrag 2012-02-15** Read [[http://​​abs/​1202.2904|An analytic approximation to the Diffusion Coefficient for the periodic Lorentz Gas]] by Angstmann and Morriss. The say: "An approximate stochastic model for the topological dynamics of the periodic triangular Lorentz gas is constructed. The model, together with an extremum principle, is used to find a closed form approximation to the diffusion coefficient as a function of the lattice spacing. This approximation is superior to the popular Machta and Zwanzig result and agrees well with a range of numerical estimates."​
chaosbook/diffusion.1312399843.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2011/08/03 12:30 by predrag