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gtspring2009:research_projects:siminos:blog [2009/02/02 21:04]
gtspring2009:research_projects:siminos:blog [2010/02/02 07:55]
Line 1: Line 1:
-====== Siminos research blog, spring 2009 ====== 
-:?: Is <​latex>​$L_y$</​latex> ​ fixed to 2 everywhere in channelflow? ​ 
-===== LB unstable manifold movies. W03 box: α=1.14, γ=2.5. Re=400 ===== 
-<​latex>​u_o=u_LB+ 0.001 \mathbf{u}_1</​latex>,​ where <​latex>​\mathbf{u}_1</​latex>​ the unstable eigenvector. 
-Integrated for t=0 to 500.  
-<​flashplayer width="​640"​ height="​500">​file=./​lbum.flv&​image=http://​​dokuwiki/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php/​gtspring2009:​research_projects:​siminos:​frame0.png?​id=gtspring2009%3Aresearch_projects%3Asiminos%3Ablog&​cache=cache&​repeat=none</​flashplayer>​ 
-<​latex>​u_o= u_LB- 0.001 \mathbf{u}_1</​latex>​. Integrated for t=0 to 500.  
-How long does it take for those to reach the laminar state? 
gtspring2009/research_projects/siminos/blog.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/02 07:55 (external edit)