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gtspring2009:howto:poincare [2009/03/20 09:12]
gtspring2009:howto:poincare [2010/02/02 07:55]
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-====== How to produce a Poincare section of plane Couette flow ====== 
-around the Nagata EQ2 upper branch. This is procedure is too special-case and  
-kludgy to put in channelflow documentation. 
-===== Integrate perturbations ​ ===== 
-I'll assume you have the Nagata upper-branch eqb EQ2.ff and the eigenfunctions of the complex instability, ​ 
-ef2.ff and ef3.ff. These fields are actually real and imaginary parts of the complex eigenfunctions,​ and  
-the evolution of perturbations goes like 
-u(t) = \text{EQ}_2 + e^{\text{Re} \lambda t} [\text{ef}_2 \cos (\text{Im } \lambda t) - \text{ef}_3 \sin (\text{Im } \lambda t)] 
-The eigenfunctions are non-orthogonal so the first thing to do is to make an orthogonal basis from them. Throw in  
-the next leading S-symmetric eigenfunctions for good measure. 
-   ​makebasis ef2 ef3 ef11 ef12 
-The produces e0, e1, e2, e3. The first two will span ef2, ef3. 
-Construct perturbations of the form  
-u(0) = \text{EQ}_2 + \epsilon \; \Lambda^{n/​N} e_0 
-where Λ = exp(Re λ * 2 π / Im λ) = 6.7549 is the expansion multiplier for one period of oscillation. This will produce trajectories 
-uniformly distributed under the iterated unstable oscillation. ​ 
-I set ε = 1e-05 and started with N=16, and named my initial condition fields after the digits in Λ^(n/N) (using digits rather ​ 
-than integer labels will scale if I later increase N to 32 or 64). E.g Λ^(n/N) for n/N = 1/16 is 1.1268, and for 2/16 is 12696. 
-   ​addfields 1 EQ2.ff 1.1267e-05 e0.ff eq2_11268e0.ff 
-   ​addfields 1 EQ2.ff 1.2696e-05 e0.ff eq2_12696e0.ff 
-   ... 
-Integrate these 16 fields for a few hundred time units and save. 
-   ​couette -T0 0 -T1 400 -o data-11268 eq2_11268e0.ff 
-   ​couette -T0 0 -T1 400 -o data-12696 eq2_11268e0.ff 
-   ... 
-Instead of typing each of these out, you can use a bash for-loop, ​ 
-   for i in eq2_*eo.ff ; do tag=${i#​eq2_} ; couette -T0 0 -T1 400 -o data-${tag%.e0.ff} $i ; done 
-The ${...} stuff is bash string manipulation syntax to extract the numerical part of the input file names. 
-This produces data directories data-12696, etc. I made symbolic links to these directories with simpler ​ 
-labels to make some future processing simpler. 
-   ln -s data-11268 data-a 
-   ln -s data-12696 data-b 
-===== Compute the Poincare crossings ===== 
-{{gtspring2009:​howto:​poincare:​eq2poincare.cpp}} is a special program I wrote to compute crossings of a Poincare section defined by 
-  (u(t) - EQ2, e(θ)) == 0 
-where e(θ) = e0 cos θ + e1 sin θ, and where u(t) is always mapped into a canonical 1st quadrant defined by 
-(u(t), etx) ≥ 0 and (u(t), etz) ≥ 0. Here etx and etz are τx and τz antisymmetric basis vectors. In my calculations 
-I chose these to be the τx and τz antisymmetric basis vectors of the EQ2 translation basis described in our 2008  
-JFM paper. ​ 
-To compile eq2poincare.cpp,​ use this {{gtspring2009:​howto:​poincare:​makefile.txt}}. Edit the Makefile to so that CHANNELDIR 
-is set to you channelflow installation 
-  CHANNELDIR = /​home/​gibson/​channelflow-1.3.5 
-then run "make eq2poincare.x"​. Then execute ​ 
-  eq2poincare.x -d data-a -o section-pi4 --theta 0.7854 -tag a -T0 0 -T1 400 etx etz e0 e1 EQ2.ff 
-That will produce files uM0a.ff, uP0a.ff, uM1a.ff, uP1a.ff in directory section-pi4/​. The P/M indicates 
-whether (u(t) - EQ2, e(θ)) is increasing (P) or decreasing (M) at the crossing. The following integer ​ 
-indicates the number of the crossing (incremented once per M,P pair), and the '​a'​ is a label indicating 
-which trajectory the crossing came from.  
-The point of this crazy labeling scheme is that it gives the right lexical ordering to the filenames of  
-multiple crossings of multiple trajectories. For example, after computing the crossings of all trajectories 
-using the bash-for loop 
-   for i in data-[a-p] ; do tag=${i#​data-} ; eq2poincare.x -d data-$tag -o section-pi4 --theta 0.7854 -tag ${tag} -T0 0 -T1 400 etx etz e0 e1 EQ2.ff; ​ done 
-The files in directory section-pi4 will be ordered in increasing distance along the unstable manifold. ​ 
-   ​gibson@tansen$ ls section-foo-pi4/​ 
-   ​crossingtimes-a.asc ​ uM0d.ff ​ uM1g.ff ​ uM3a.ff ​ uM4d.ff ​ uP0h.ff ​ uP2b.ff ​ uP3e.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-b.asc ​ uM0e.ff ​ uM1h.ff ​ uM3b.ff ​ uM4e.ff ​ uP0i.ff ​ uP2c.ff ​ uP3f.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-c.asc ​ uM0f.ff ​ uM1i.ff ​ uM3c.ff ​ uM4f.ff ​ uP1a.ff ​ uP2d.ff ​ uP3g.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-d.asc ​ uM0g.ff ​ uM2a.ff ​ uM3d.ff ​ uM4g.ff ​ uP1b.ff ​ uP2e.ff ​ uP3h.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-e.asc ​ uM0h.ff ​ uM2b.ff ​ uM3e.ff ​ uM4h.ff ​ uP1c.ff ​ uP2f.ff ​ uP4a.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-f.asc ​ uM0i.ff ​ uM2c.ff ​ uM3f.ff ​ uP0a.ff ​ uP1d.ff ​ uP2g.ff ​ uP4b.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-g.asc ​ uM1a.ff ​ uM2d.ff ​ uM3g.ff ​ uP0b.ff ​ uP1e.ff ​ uP2h.ff ​ uP4c.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-h.asc ​ uM1b.ff ​ uM2e.ff ​ uM3h.ff ​ uP0c.ff ​ uP1f.ff ​ uP2i.ff ​ uP4d.ff 
-   ​crossingtimes-i.asc ​ uM1c.ff ​ uM2f.ff ​ uM3i.ff ​ uP0d.ff ​ uP1g.ff ​ uP3a.ff ​ uP4e.ff 
-   ​uM0a.ff ​             uM1d.ff ​ uM2g.ff ​ uM4a.ff ​ uP0e.ff ​ uP1h.ff ​ uP3b.ff ​ uP4f.ff 
-   ​uM0b.ff ​             uM1e.ff ​ uM2h.ff ​ uM4b.ff ​ uP0f.ff ​ uP1i.ff ​ uP3c.ff ​ uP4g.ff 
-   ​uM0c.ff ​             uM1f.ff ​ uM2i.ff ​ uM4c.ff ​ uP0g.ff ​ uP2a.ff ​ uP3d.ff ​ uP4h.ff 
-  ​ 
-===== Project the crossing points ===== 
-Next we project the crossing points of the Poincare section using the channelflow ''​projectfields''​ utility. ​ 
-  projectfields -b basis-EQ2ef/​ -Nb 4 -or EQ2.ff -o portrait-pi4 section-pi4/​*.ff 
-The above command assumes you have put the basis vectors e0,e1,e2,e3 into a directory named basis-EQ2ef/;​ 
-if not you might use '-b .'​. ​ 
-This creates a new directory '​portrait-pi4' ​ 
-  ​ 
gtspring2009/howto/poincare.txt · Last modified: 2010/02/02 07:55 (external edit)